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IQ Test: Intelligence Test 1.0.8
Cozy Gaming
Take an IQ test to measure your IQ score. This test will show yourintelligence.
IQ Test: Intelligence Test with Brain Teasers 1.0.3
Cozy Gaming
In this IQ test, we bring the best experience for our userswho'dlike to see their intelligence ranging from categories suchasmemory to emotional IQ! Intelligence is difficult to understandasthere are different versions of intelligence that all peoplearetrained at. Therefore, while calculating intelligence, itisimportant that IQ tests include different versions IQexaminations.The test-taker will see for him/herself what sort ofintelligencehe/she has. The IQ tests that are in this app are: IQtests thatare in IQ Test: Measure your IQ 1) General IQ: 30questions with 4multiple choice answers. 2) Emotional IQ: 40questions with 2multiple choice answers. 3) Logical IQ: 10questions with 4multiple choice answers. 4) Quantitative IQ: 10questions with 4multiple choice answers. 5) Memory Test: 10 amazingquestions wit 4multiple choice answers. - Brain Teaser section: Thebrain teasersection is meant to train your intelligence! There areamazingquestions in the brain teaser section that will improve yourIQ.The objective is to get all of the tricky questions correctlysothat you finish the brain teaser section! In the results sectionofeach IQ test, you will see your IQ range, strengths,weaknesses,romantic types, celebrity types, and your secret self!IQ as aconcept is very related to your character. Therefore, wehave useda grading methodology that takes into account the sort ofquestionsyou get correctly and the ones you miss. At the homescreen, youwill be able to track your results in the resultssection. Theresults section shows your latest IQ score and thedetailed IQresults. IQ test: Measure your IQ can also be consideredas a BrainTest as the questions really is meant to calculate andimprove yourbrain smartness. The brain is shaped by neurons thatfire everysingle time you challenge them. Your IQ score isdetermined by howfast you could work your brain. With the brainteaser section, youwill be able to train your brain. With the IQtests, you will beable to calculate your individual IQintelligence: emotional IQ tomemory IQ. Important Note: IQ test:Measure your IQ is meant to befun and educating experience for ourusers. It should not be takentoo seriously as intelligence and IQare concepts that to this dayscientific world has difficulty inquantifying. Enjoy IQ test:measure your IQ!
Medieval War Battles: Strategy 0.4
Cozy Gaming
Defend your territory from enemies by using clever medievalstrategy tactics.
Video Downloader for Tik Tok, Instagram, and More 1.0
Cozy Gaming
Download videos from tik tok, facebook, instagram, and twitter!Whenyou click the "copy link" button of the video, it willautomaticallypaste the video link inside the app without youhaving to doanything. Just click "download" and your video will beready insidethe videos section.
Hexa Turn: Hexa Puzzle Blocks 1.8.0
Cozy Gaming
Test your intelligence skills! Make sure the triangle is trapped inthe middle.
Quantitative IQ test: Intelligence Test
Cozy Gaming
Find out your quantitative IQ by taking this quantitative IQ test.
Emotional Intelligence Test: Intelligence Test 1.1
Cozy Gaming
Emotional Intelligence: Emotional IQ test is part of the generalIQtest series offered by Cozy Games Studios. This test is one ofourtests out of 5 other tests. These tests briefly are thefollowing:1) IQ Test: Intelligence Test - A comprehensive detailedtest meantto measure your memory, pattern recognition, and etc withdetailedresults of your score. 2) Quantitative IQ test 3) MemoryTest 4)Emotional IQ Test 5) Logical IQ test With the last 4 smalltests,we thought to give our users who are interested in testingonly oneaspect of their intelligence a brief but to the pointexperience.With emotional intelligence test, you will be asked 40"yes" or"no" questions. At the end of the test, we will becalculating yourEQ score regarding your answers. There are no rightor wronganswers. Each person has different skill sets across a widerangeof parameters. Someone who has high logical IQ might haveloweremotional IQ. Regardless, solve the test yourself and find outyouremotional IQ score. Important Note: This test is preparedforentertainment and education purposes. The results should notbetaken too seriously. They are only an indication of youremotionalskills in a brief and fun way. For serious calculation, wesuggestto visit professional psychiatrists and educators. Enjoy! -CozyGaming Studios
Personality Test: Test Your Pe 1.0.5
Cozy Gaming
What type of personality do you have? Find out now by taking aquick test.
Brain Test: Tricky Brain Test 3.3
Cozy Gaming
Solve brainy puzzle riddles with Brain Test: Brainy Puzzle Riddles.
IQ Test: Test Your IQ 1.2
Cozy Gaming
You will be able to find out your IQ score by taking a quick IQtest.
Mental Health Tracker: Mental 1.1
Cozy Gaming
Understand your mind and personality with Mental Health Test!
Puzzled Brain: Tricky Puzzles, 3.3
Cozy Gaming
Solve tricky brain riddles. It looks easy but its not. Challengeyour brain!
Video Downloader for Tik Tok: 1.0
Cozy Gaming
Download videos from Tik Tok and watch them without internetforfree.